42 School Street Extension
Isle La Motte Trustees of Public Funds
Special Meeting – March 25, 2025 – 9:30 AM
Town Office – 42 School St. Extension
1. Call meeting to order by Town Clerk Vickie Buswell.
2. Election of officers – Chair, Vice Chair, & Secretary.
3. Adjustment of agenda.
4. Approval of January 9, 2025 meeting minutes.
5. Meeting format: a) Adoption of Robert’s Rules of Order, (b) meeting schedule, (c) select
newspaper of record for legal notices, and (d) posting locations.
6. Trustees email account, ilmtrusteesofpublicfunds@gmail.com (free) or
trusteesofpublicfunds@islelamotte.gov (town is charged for account)? Discussion.
7. Open meeting law discussion – possible future trainings.
8. Review statutes describing and guiding the responsibilities of Trustees of Public Funds.
9. Working Session – review documentation retained in Town vault (ex. bank statements,
loan agreements, certificate of deposit, etc.).
10. Other business.
11. Adjournment.
Zoom Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 876 4686 0219
Passcode: 882802
Phone: +1 646931 3860 or find your local number at https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kzFIMT7LS